Instruments, Classes Taught

Anyone can learn to create music!

Guitar Lessons

We offer 45 minute guitar lessons for acoustic or electric guitar.  We teach all styles of guitar---chord strumming, finger picking, classical, rock, country, note reading and tablature.  We gear each lesson to what the student wants to learn while still keeping up on advancing in the method book.

$25 for 45 minute lessons    or $35 for 1 hour sibling/friend group lesson

Piano Lessons

We offer piano lessons in 30 or 45 minute lessons.  Students learn through method books, technique, theory, and performance books while always having a chance to pick a "fun" song not in their regular books.  These songs can be specially requested and created by our staff to fit the level of each student. 

     $20 for 30 minute lessons              $30 for 45 minute lessons        

Violin Lessons

We offer 30 and 45 minute violin lessons to beginner and intermediate violin students.  Students learn through method and scale books as well as the suzuki method and fiddle music.  Students enjoy asking for songs they are familiar with  which are then sought out by our staff to fit their skill.

        $18 for 30 minute lessons              $27 for 45 minute lessons          

Pre-K Music 

Kids from ages 3-5 enjoy hour long group classes of no more than 6 kids where they get to explore different instruments, experience different musical styles, interact with sound stories and learn music concepts through games, crafts, dancing, singing and more.  These music classes get the young mind ready to be able to learn more about music or try instrument lessons as they get older.

Group classes are held once a week and organized to fit kids of the same ages. 

$12 for once a week hourly class

Ukulele Lessons

We offer 30 minute "sing and strum" ukulele lessons which are created for the beginner or students who are just looking to be able to accompany themselves on instrument while they sing.  We teach the basics and learn enough chords to play all your favorite songs.  Students learn different strum patterns and how to adjust music to make it easier to play.  

We also offer basic fingerpicking study where students can learn not only to strum, but to fingerpick the notes through note reading or tablature.  

     $15 for 30 minute lessons or     45 minute group lessons

*Special Summer program $10 for 40 minute large group lessons + $5 materials fee*

Pre-Piano Lessons

We offer 30 minute Pre-Piano lessons to kids ages 4-6 who may not quite be at the level to beginning traditional piano lessons.  We incorporate a mixture of games and activities and play with other small instruments to prepare for real piano playing.  

We divide up the time so they may only have 10-15 minutes on the bench.  Each week they learn more until they are ready to handle regular lessons.

$15 for 30 minute lessons

Parent and Toddler Music

We offer toddler music classes for kids age 22 months to 3 years old where they come enjoy music with an adult helper.  Classes are once a week for 40 minutes where toddlers get to learn music and instruments while learning about seasons, shapes, colors, numbers and more.  We get our toddlers ready to move onto Preschool Music classes where they can learn on their own with other preschool aged friends.

$10 for weekly classes

Big Kids Music

We offer an exploring music class for kids ages 5-8 who may not be ready to learn an instrument or just want a more in depth experience in music to prepare them for later on.  We test out ukulele, basic piano skills, reading rhythms, percussion and more in this big kids class.  We sing songs and learn dances, build instruments, study composers and music genres. Hour long classes are held once a week.  

$12 for weekly 50 minute classes

Adaptive Needs Music

We offer private and group classes for children and adults with special needs.  Students come to experience all things music with singing, dancing and even making crafts.  We are not wheelchair or walker accessible currently, but can accommodate students of all other needs.  Depending on individual needs, parents are welcome to join along in the fun, or can drop off and pick up.

$12 for weekly 45 minute classes

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